Seattle Public Schools

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Service and Option Schools

Option Schools, Option Schools with Continuous Enrollment and Service Schools

Seattle Public Schools has neighborhood, option, and service schools. In addition to the information below, details are available in the Superintendent’s Procedures for Student Assignment 3130SP.

Option Schools

Option schools provide a variety of programmatic opportunities for families looking for choices in addition to their attendance area schools. Families can apply for assignment to these schools during Open Enrollment or can be requested for new students to the district at the time of enrollment, per seat availability. These schools have geozones.

Option Schools with Continuous Enrollment

Option schools with continuous enrollment offer unique services, opportunities, and learning environments to meet individual student needs. Students may request assignment to these schools or may be referred to one. These schools do not have geozones. Families are welcome to apply to these schools during Open Enrollment and throughout the school year.

  • Cascade Parent Partnership Program – Gen Ed
  • Interagency Programs
  • Middle College High School
  • Nova
  • Seattle World School
  • Skills Center
  • Alan T. Sugiyama High School

Service Schools

Students are usually placed in a service school based on individual assessment. Assignments to service schools are choice assignments except for the Seattle World School, which is a designated assignment.

  • Head Start
  • Education Admission Centers
  • Special Education Consortium (Children’s Home Society, McGraw Center, Experimental Education Unit, Private School Services, and other non-SPS services)

School List and Map


BRIDGES webpage

A program for students currently receiving special education services and is at least the ages 18-21.

BRIDGES is a way to service children with intellectual disabilities that require vocational assistance; it’s main focus is post-education in helping students cope with everyday life such as applying for a job, creating a resume and keeping it once obtained.

Placement to the BRIDGES program is at the discretion of the student’s Special Education team and case manager.

Cascade Parent Partnership Program

School Profile

Cascade Parent Partnership Program Website

Cascade Parent Partnership is an inclusive community of staff, students, and their families working together to engage, encourage and empower K-12 students on their individual learning journeys. Our school is comprised of three distinctive school components: a grade K-8 in-person partnership working with parent educators; a grade K-5 virtual option with live district teachers; and a grade 6-12 virtual option working asynchronously with an online learning provider. As an Alternative Learning Environment (ALE) school, we strive to create options for students that best meet their strengths, interests and needs. Students attend classes and explore interests at Cascade, at home, and in their communities.

  • Parent/Guardian must contact CPPP for a tour at 206-743-3900 or through their Open House.
  • Interested families will then meet with the principal to review the home-schooling portion guidelines and expectations in providing home education if interested in CPPP.
  • School Registrar will assist families to start the enrollment process to complete the tour. Current students will be transferred automatically by the registrar but students new to the district must follow the online admission process for Seattle Public Schools.
  • After the enrollment process has been completed, the family will meet with a Learning Plan Counselor to outline and review the student’s curriculum and schedule.


School Profile

Interagency Academy Website

Interagency Academy is a uniquely designed high school that removes equity barriers for students to access multiple transformational learning pathways. With a trauma-informed approach, ethnic studies learning framework, career technical education pathways, and virtual learning supports, we meet every student where they are, while supporting them as they grow.

Admittance Procedures:

Questions about enrollment contact Admissions at 206-252-0760.

  • Mid Year Transfer Requests: Currently enrolled students interested in transferring to Interagency Academy may do so by emailing the Interagency staff for reassignment. The specialist will go through an intake process to ensure the student’s special service needs (if applicable) and courses can be met.
  • New students to the district who are interested in the Academy must first apply through the online registration system where they can make the request to Interagency in the registration application with an automatic assignment upon approval.
  • Next Year Assignment Requests can be requested during the Open Enrollment period starting mid-February through May 31. After this period, students may follow the mid-year transfer guidelines above.

Middle College High School

Middle College School Profile

Middle College Website

Middle College High School is an early college focused program where students spend 9th and 10th grades in a small, supportive environment on the Seattle University and Seattle College campuses, preparing for enhanced full time Running Start in 11th and 12th grades. We provide flexible and innovative structures to support students academically, socially, and emotionally, enabling students to attain high standards and meet their goals. Please check the website for videos and information.

  • Students must be enrolled in Seattle Public Schools (SPS) starting in the 10th grade with at least 3.5 credits accrued. All current students interested in attending a Middle College school may do so by having a parent or guardian contact the Admissions department online, requesting for a transfer to Middle College; assignments are guaranteed. In the subject line, type: Transfer Request to Middle College, include in the description box Student’s legal first/last name, Student ID (if known), Student Date of Birth, and parent signature.
  • New students to SPS may request Middle College at the time of registration on the application itself. Students will be assigned to the main campus at James Baldwin pending determination through the intake process. During the intake process school staff determines if the service needs of the student can be met and which location would be appropriate based on student educational and service needs.
  • Referrals are no longer necessary. Student may be reassigned to their neighborhood school upon request and is not subject to Open Enrollment period for a transfer, however, it’s recommended that Middle College is given ample notice to ensure a smooth transition to a traditional school.

Nova High School

School Profile

Nova Website

Nova is a liberatory learning space where student voice is centered. Nova is non-graded and offers an innovative teaching and learning approach that provides inquiry-based instruction where students apply their learning through application, performance, and portfolio-based assessment to demonstrate competencies. As an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) school, each student has a personalized learning plan and is held to additional requirements including ethnic studies coursework, social justice projects, community engagement, community agreements, and social responsibility.

Admittance Procedures:

Questions about enrollment contact Admissions at 206-252-0760.

  • Mid-Year Transfer Requests to Nova: A Parent/Guardian of a current high school SPS student can contact the Admissions department online for automatic reassignment to Nova. In the Subject line, type: Transfer Request to Nova, include in the description box Student’s legal first/last name, Student ID (if known), Student Date of Birth, with parent name and phone number.
  • Students who are currently in 8th grade  who would like to attend Nova for the following school year may do so by applying through the School Choice process during Open Enrollment starting in mid-February through May 31 by using a printed school choice form to handwrite Nova on the form as a choice preference and submit to Admissions; this request is a guarantee assignment. After the Open Enrollment has ended, all requests may follow the same steps as a Mid-Year Transfer Request as stated above.
  • School Intake Procedures: There will be an intake process for all assigned students to Nova that occurs every Thursday during normal school hours to determine if special education service needs can be met and also to review the student’s independent learning curriculum.

Seattle World School

School Profile

Seattle World School Website

Seattle World School offers a personalized, project-based learning experience for students focused on computer science and STEM career fields. We serve recent immigrants from multicultural, multilingual backgrounds who want to increase language acquisition rates and expand their 21st century technology skills.

Admittance Procedures:

Questions about enrollment contact Admissions at 206-252-0760.

  • Mid-Year Transfer Requests: Current students enrolled at Seattle Public schools may request a transfer by contacting the Admissions department online. In the Subject Line type the following: Transfer Request to Seattle World School. Also include in the description box the following: Student legal first/last name, student ID (if known), student Date of Birth, and parent signature. New students to the District must first enroll through the online registration system and can make the request to another school.
  • Next Year Assignment Requests: Students may apply during Open Enrollment through May 31; assignment is guaranteed. After the Open Enrollment period, students may request a transfer following the Mid-Year Transfer guidelines above. 

Skills Center

School Profile

Skills Center Website

The Seattle Skills Center provides advanced Career and Technical Education (CTE) for high school students. Courses offer high school credit, industry recognized certification, and some courses offer credit equivalencies in math, science, physical education, and English language arts; or dual college credit. Programs are distributed throughout the city, located within district high schools and community-based sites. Students attend the Skills Center for half of their school day and their designated high school for the other half, with transportation provided. Classes are taught by teachers that are industry professionals, in partnership with business advisors. Skills Center students go on to a wide range of college and career pathways, including 4-year colleges, 1- and 2-year certification programs, and apprenticeships.

Alan T. Sugiyama High School at South Lake

School Profile

Alan T. Sugiyama High School Website

Alan T. Sugiyama (ATS) at South Lake is remixing education. We’ve cast a wide net into our community to partners in the performing arts, music, radio, filmmaking, design and more to engage our youth and provide opportunities for them to work alongside industry professionals to develop both skills, networking, and internships as a means of driving careers and post-secondary education.

Admittance to Alan T. Sugiyama:

  • Mid-Year Transfers – Students requesting admittance to Alan T. Sugiyama must first be enrolled to Seattle Public Schools (SPS). Parent/guardian of currently enrolled students may request a transfer to Alan T. Sugiyama by contacting the Admissions department online for reassignment. In the Subject Line type: Transfer Request to Alan T. Sugiyama HS; include in the description box the Student’s legal first/last name, Student Date of Birth, and Student ID (if known) and parent’s signature.
  • New students to SPS may request Alan T. Sugiyama High School at the time of registration on the application itself.
  • Next Year Transfer Requests must be done during the Open Enrollment period occurring mid-February through May 31. After this period, students follow the mid-year transfer guidelines above.
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